what's the point?
but that's not enough to keep me going. there has to be a point to all of this running around, earning money, spending it then worrying about how to get more. there has to be a reason we're here.
for me, that point is found in being a creation of God. but i've known i am His for my whole life. that isn't enough anymore. i want more. perhaps this is selfish, but i want to know Him as much as humanly possible... because otherwise, i'll feel i've missed the point.
i don't want to just say i love Jesus, like a girl on 'spiritual' ecstacy who thinks she's in love but is really just high. i want to truly love. i want to shatter this shell of selfish pride and step out into the gutter of humility. not for myself. for others. for my husband and my friends. that i might learn to truly love.
that, i believe, is the whole point of this crazy thing called life.