Friday, May 18, 2007

teary goodbyes

final week... tests, videos, games, laughter... sweet notes from students.. confessions of teenage love from korean boys... goofy antics and quiet submission to the inevitable: i must go home.

if it weren't for goodbyes like these, i would never truly ache... i would never know what it means to appreciate something. so for that i'm thankful.

this year has been such a gift from God. trent and i are so close... we have learned much about each other, and about our world. we hope to do this again sometime soon.

for now, i am being called home to take care of mom. but the future is our oyster...

thank you for joining me on this journey. trent will continue to update this blog -- so stay tuned for his stories. here are some photos of my boss, and my students. enjoy.

love and peace! em.


Blogger Jelly Beans Gurl said...

I can't even imagine how hard it is to say goodbye. I hope you had a wonderful last couple days in Korea.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Billy said...

The children are beautiful. You are so lucky. I hope you will stay in contact when you arrive home. Please do.

5:09 PM  

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