fried cucumbers
everything here is tiny. and if it's not, then it's attached by something tiny. take milk for example. when we went shopping at E-Mart (Korea's Superstore), we couldn't just buy a jug of milk. we had to buy a jug of milk AND a small bottle of something sweet and white that was taped to the jug. it's quite amusing. the people are tiny too, but oh so beautiful. the children have bright eyes and olive skin, and cupid-bow smiles. they are always giving us gifts of sticky sweets or blaze bugles.
the ironic part of us being here is that trenton and i still don't see each other! despite having desks next to one another, and classrooms across the hall from the other, we've been so busy planning or teaching it's as if we're back in canada, swamped by a helter-skelter world. please pray that peace soon descends and life curls back into a lovely, cozy cocoon :) it's fun flapping our wings, but we need to rest.