Sunday, August 06, 2006

aspects of life lately...

a weary mother, stumbling over her own steps, laughing at life's little blurbs and loving everyone around her, unaware of her own childlike dependencies.

a devoted father, bending over backwards to care, daring to glare life's problems in the face with prayer, share! i cry, but he will only deny the pain in order to bely the devil any joy. and i admire him.

a hungry husband, desiring more than i feel i can give for all my strength is sapped like a maple tree forging new paths of fear down which my mom and i skip trip dip in and out of consciousness wondering when will this journey end? and when will the help arrive?

a hazy holy God divine yet inclined to hide like the moon behind its clouds inviting me to watch, to wait, with baited breath as the black clouds slip by, a lunar eclipse, and faith shines its yellow head again.


Blogger J Man said...

Oh, He's there. He's always there, waiting to be seen; longing for the eyes of the heart to search the darkness long enough, deep enough to find that darkness cannot hide the light.

"When there seems to be no remedy for darkness, don't be afraid to slip on in... let God reveal Himself in all things, through faith." - Kevin Prosch
If you want some good God-songs too relate to in the midst of pain and uncertainty, Kevin Prosch's Palanquin album is pure medicine.

6:16 PM  

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