Friday, February 23, 2007


in korean, "apo" is the slang for "pain." that's what i feel right now.

today i said goodbye to a number of students who have become my tiny friends. they're leaving because they've advanced to higher grades...

boys who made me pull my hair out, then want to squeeze them. girls who strove to succeed and yet still laughed easily. my youngest, and most brilliant, students, who were little creations of fun and eager minds. eyes sparkling when teacher walked in; hands raised excitedly with the answer... from the older, feigned disgust at 'grammar' and inexpressable relief when i pulled out the games and the pizza. perhaps i enjoyed being a slice of peace in this crazy over-worked, overachieving culture they're being pulled along in.

i loved learning their language and speaking on their own turf. they respected me for it, even when i butchered the simplest of sayings.

it's so hard to say goodbye. so hard to step out and make new relationships. i'm sure you all know how i am feeling. in some ways, it helps to know they'll miss me too.

we'll be gone for the next week to china, with our friends sacha and nate. we're off to see the Great Wall and panda bears :) the tour includes a five-star hotel and an english-speaking tour guide. should be fun. should help to absolve this pain. then it's back for one more term (for Emily) and two for Trent.

thanks for listening. it helps to vent... i can only pray these little people saw a fragment of Jesus' immense heart in me, believed more in His love because of me.


Blogger .a. said...

Hey beautiful!
I just know that they will not forget you! You are a real treasure of person, no matter the continent you're on -- and you do leave 'heart-prints' wherever you go =) I have been a witness.
Have fun in China -- I LOVE panda bears, they are so incredibly cute - but I understand they're also pretty vicious, so be careful =) or "Bear-ful" in this case (k, that was pretty bad I know...)
anyways, have fun, I know it's hard to say goodbye, but just think of all the more 'hello's' you'll experience, and know that NOTHING is in vain.
Love you guys!

9:14 AM  
Blogger Jelly Beans Gurl said...

I totally understand what its like to lose students you have bonded too! I'm already sad about grad this year becuase of the grade 12 students that will be leaving me. I've been talking to other teachers and we all agreed to fail them so they couldn't leave! haha I guess this will happen every year though. Eventually we will have to say goodbye to the students we have come to love, and trust that we did all we could to prepare them for the next stage in their life. Definitly tough though.
Have a great time in China! I can't wait to see the pictures and hear of your adventures and the disgusting things you ate!
Love you both.

9:18 AM  

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