Friday, October 13, 2006

working out, and within...

i (emily) have discovered the 'healing' power of yoga... but do not fear. i am still a Christian. :)

it is not healing in the spiritual sense. it's purely a physical devotion, an extreme challenge that aches in all my joints and reminds me of muscles that have too long sat dormant.

i was afraid to do yoga. afraid of what people might think. and it's true; in some cultures, cities, and nations, yoga is devoted to worshiping the sun and becoming 'one' with the universe. but after talking with john gurnett (our former bible school teacher) he reassured me that in South Korea, yoga is purely a physical sport. it is also my belief that God can redeem anything and use it for his glory.

i started this past tuesday, and am attending twice a week. each lesson is one hour of intense head-stands, leg lifts, sit ups, back stretches and deep breathing. it's a cultural weaving between myself, the only white person, and dozens of korean women. the lesson is conducted by a tiny, beautiful lady who gently guides me and patiently waits for my body to catch up. it's all unrolled (like the mats) in korean -- an excellent exercise for my listening skills.

i am excited to be a part of this exercise, and find myself able to worship my creator by performing the various positions.

while i welcome anyone's views on yoga, i have ultimately determined that only God can make the final decision for me. he has filled my heart with peace. and so, i continue to work out, while he works within.


Blogger Jelly Beans Gurl said...

I totally understand. I have always wanted to do yoga Em. I've actually taken a seminar on it at the last teacher convention I was at. I wanted to start doing the yoga that is specific for muscle strengthening and have been keeping my eye out for a video that might work. And you right, it's not always about "emptying your mind" and all that other stuff. If you are using the time to worship God, have some good physical activity (becuase it really takes a lot out of you, way more than you think) and your enjoying it, I say GO FOR IT! And teach me when you get back. hehe. Love you.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Ernest Dow said...

Glad you're able to keep it within limits. 'Twill definitely help you stay limber. Just don't start aiming to outdo the Chinese acrobats you saw recently! Love, Pa

4:34 AM  
Blogger .a. said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you blogged! I was hoping you would. It's cool that you are challenging yourself and beginning to bend =) I've been feeling like I'm over-bending lately... (getting rid of stuff, getting rid of more stuff, oh, still getting rid of yet, more, yes, stuff) thank you for your prayers -- since our 'yoga' discuss a few weeks ago, I've been doing my video that I have and been evaluating for myself, I feel the same as you, and I ache in places I didn't know you could =) You can tell 'jelly beans gurl' that a good video that doesn't "empty your mind" or involve any other funny stuff is the MTV Power Yoga, it's really challenging, but it's all physicle, no meditation or anything, it's the one I have, and I enjoy it.
Well, it's Sat. a.m. here, so I'm going to try to get rid of more stuff.... =(
Love you!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ryan & Melanie said...

hey, I am so glad that you wrote about that! I have been wondering about, thanks for your honest thoughts! This whole idea of taking aspects of a culture and using it for God is something R&I have been talking about lately:)

7:48 AM  

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