Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the sunrise

(written in contemplation over our leaving young life ministry and moving to korea)

what does it all mean anyway?
wrestling with value, purpose, identity, last night i couldn't sleep. haunted by my own ghosts, little fears dancing above my head, making me lose faith in whoever i've become.
what is this life? and am i stepping along the right path?
why did God let us burn out? did we fail Him?
why did He open this particular door? are we obeying Him here, or solely divulging in self?
help me serve you Lord. help me know your will, and fully surrender.
help me love, for i know nothing can go wrong with love.
forgive me for falling time and again. thank you for picking me up, and for giving us the sunrise. brand new beginnings, every morning.


Blogger Ryan & Melanie said...

Em, that is a beautiful reflection/prayer! There is so much hope in each new day. It is my prayer that yoiu both would see his plan in where you are now.

love you! M

10:03 AM  
Blogger J Man said...

Now, I'm not saying this is how you guys see things, but so often, we Christians feel that if things get hard, or hurt, or if we feel uncomfortable, that a) we've somehow let God down; or, b) He's lifted His favor from us.

I'm not sure I believe either is the case. Perhaps you guys haven't failed at all. What if your life's struggles are all part of God's plan to build you up and prepare you for ministries you've never dreamed of.

I think I shared this before, but in Kevin Prosche's Every Ray, he sings:
When there seems no remedy for darkness,
Don't be afraid to sink in to it;
Let God reveal Himself in all things, through faith.

You're in God's hands, and He's always with you; indeed, I beleive He's always proud of you.
Look at David's life - one of the most God-favored men in the Bible. He lived a comfortable life at home; then, he was annointed as king by Samuel...then, he spent years in the desert, just trying to survive. Finally, after several years on the run, he was able to step into his annointing as king.

As Peter says, "God isn't slow to make good on his promises, as some peolple think..." He's got a time and purpose for you guys. You're doing quite well, I believe.

Blessings to you both!


10:37 AM  
Blogger .a. said...

Hey you,
I love this prayer, very transcendant over time and waters and the world =) You should never regret adventure and stepping out in faith, afterall, if you are in the wrong direction, God will always meet you and steer you right. You did so many wonderful things with Young Life, so don't think for ONE MOMENT that you failed - NEVER! God loves work, and He also gives rest. And if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him, that's a promise. Take Heart in knowing Him and in every blessing you have right now.
In the words of P.O.D. "Every Day is a new day, I'm thankful for every breath I take, I won't take it for granted.."
Love you!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Ernest Dow said...

Cheery quote for the day: "When God has an impossible job to do, He takes an impossible man -- and crushes him." (!)
Hmm. That may or may not apply in your instance; but take heart, God's no doubt used the hard times to prepare and equip you for other roles.
Love, Pa Dow

4:47 AM  
Blogger sparrow anne said...

hey em (and trent too!),

thinking about Peter today, his spectacular "failure" in denying the Lord those three panicked times. so rapid-fire in everything he did, that Peter...

thinking further that at least he had the guts to BE there, in that courtyard, trying for a glimpse of Jesus getting stomped on and shot down...

thinking further that it's Christ's profound love that calls us to "impossible" places, like your Dad mentioned...

(remember Peter again, walking on water and quickly sinking -- but at least he stepped out!)

and those impossible places turn into such poignant re-anointings: Jesus asking Peter three times, do you really love me? -- his recent "failure" just a doorway to a deeper "YES!"

we're all just learning to say Yes from humble, broken hearts, em, instead of from our own ideals/ bravado.

i love you for being honest in this...


10:39 AM  
Blogger sparrow anne said...

p.s. check out


10:49 AM  

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