Monday, September 18, 2006


... found in the fragile wings of a dragonfly
flitting along korean pathways
.... in the hunched backs of wrinkled old ladies
bent from years of working in the fields
... in the pale-faced youth who powder their
noses in the hopes of appearing 'white
... in the daring recluse who bears the sun and
allows freckles to sprinkle her nose
... in the large autumn leaves, half green, half orange
and firey red
... in tiny kindergarden children garbed in uniform
running pitter patter with glee
... in the random pigeon, the national bird, proud
in its silver robes

beauty is in the eyes of both beholder and bearer. a universal language everyone can appreciate, and all desire to know.


Blogger pink monkey said...

Yes, your musing reminds me of the song we sing in church, "Creation Calls," by Brian Doerkson. Let me share the words with you and if you know the tune, sing it out with your guitar. Here goes:

1. "I have felt the wind blow, whispering Your name.
I have seen Your tears fall, when I watch the rain.


How could I say there is no God, when all around creation calls;
A singing bird, a mighty tree,
the vast expanse of open sea ....

2. Gazing at a bird in flight, soaring through the air.
Lying down beneath the stars,
I feel Your presence there.

I love to stand at ocean shore, and feel the thundering breakers roar;
To walk through golden fields of grain, 'neath endless blue horizon's frame.

3. Listening to a river run, watering the earth.
Fragrance of a rose in bloom, a newborn's cry at birth.


How could I say there is no God, when all around creation calls .. a singing bird, a mighty tree, the vast expanse of open sea.

I love to stand at ocean shore, and feel the thundering breakers roar;
To walk through golden fields of grain, 'neath endless blue horizon's frame.

I believe .. I believe ..
I believe"

I absolutely LOVE that song. Hope you enjoy it.

Have a blessed day together!

Love you, Auntie D. and family

6:45 PM  

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